As a hardware store with over a century in business, we have everything you would come to expect from a top quality, respected hardware store. We have a diverse product range and are consistently updating our stock so our customers are receiving only the best, up to date products. We have a skilled, dedicated team in store and a layout that is easy to navigate, making finding the right product as simple as possible.

We have a large selection of paints in store, sourced from trusted suppliers such as Dulux and Johnstone’s. We have paints of all colours and shades and can help you in choosing the one. In addition, we also have all the necessary paint supplies, including brushes, rollers, paint trays and more.
At Burke’s Hardware & Furniture we have invested in a Dulux computerised paint mixing system which has thousands of programmed colours making it fast and easy for you to find the perfect shade.

We have an extensive range of plumbing supplies on offer at Burke’s Hardware & Furniture. Visit us in store to see the full selection.

We have a full range of electrical supplies on offer here at Burke’s Hardware & Furniture, including tools, sockets, switchers and much more. If you need help finding a certain electrical product, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us or visit us in store.

We stock all the general DIY tools you would come to expect from any reputable hardware store. By shopping at Burke’s Hardware & Furniture, you can ensure that your next home improvement project is a success.

Our garden section features gardening tools, accessories, fertilisers and more. We have options suitable for gardeners of all competencies, from beginners to master gardeners.

We also have a fast and efficient key cutting service on offer at Burke’s Hardware & Furniture. Visit us in store to have your keys cut.